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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 6

Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. Koira ōku whakaaro mō tēnei whārangi ipurangi o tātou 'Ngā Tama A Parorangi'. Kihai tēnei āhua kia pēnei ai ina kāore aku ākonga i whakaputa o rātou pukenga ki tēnei momo mahi. Nōreira, ka mihi kau ake au ki a koutou tama mā, kua whārikitia te tuāpapa mō ā mātou akoranga ki runga rorohiko.

Ānei ngā pātai o te wiki.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga korero.

1. Can I go to the toilet?

2. I am sick.

3. Do you have a pen?

4. I don't have any books.

5. I have a question.

Whakapākehātia enei rerenga korero.

6. Kei te haere rāua ki te kura.

7. E kaukau ana ia i te punawai.

8. Kei waenganui te kōtiro i ngā tāngata.

9. Kei muri te motoka i te whare.

Ētahi atu pātai

10. When do we use 'E' before names or commands?

11. List 3 things you would like to learn next term in Te Reo Maori?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Hato Paora 2nd XV vs Awatapu 1st XV - WON 37 -17

Congratulations to the 2nds for the victory over Awatapu yesterday afternoon. Pa Tanu has informed me that you all played with pride, passion and heart. Kei runga noa atu koutou katoa!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

NEWS - Maori Party panics seat target will fall short

The Maori Party is planning an all-out assault to gain an eighth Maori seat to fight for next election.Co-leader Pita Sharples says not enough people are signing on to the Maori roll to meet the 14,000 target by August, when the Maori Electoral Option ends. Dr Sharples says the option isn't going the way the party thought it would.

“We're so disturbed about it we are going on the road for a month, starting this weekend We’re going to tour the country and leave one person back in Parliament, and three of us outside talking to people and recruiting people to change young people, inviting them to join the Maori roll,” Sharlpes said.

Pita Sharples says Maori respond best to kanohi ki te kanohi, or face to face discussions, so the Maori Party has to go where the people are.

Radio Waatea.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Paora Stylez

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wellington Regional Kapahaka Competition

On Saturday I attended this event held at the Micheal Fowler centre in Wellington. I went down to support some whānau who were performing with the group Ngāti Pōneke. As it turns out 3 Hato Pāora old boys performed with the group Ngā Taonga mai Tawhiti. (Te Kapua, Te Mauri & Jono) Their group was very impressive and had strong singing. My wife brought it to my attention that they were graced with 4-ex Waka Huia members and it showed. The overall level of kapahaka on that day was great, all groups - even the so called fill-ins were well rehearsed and professional. The winners on the day were Tutemaungaroa, a group comprised of mainly Tuhoe affliates. Their style was similar to well known Mataatua group Ruatāhuna. As for our whānau's team Ngāti Pōneke, we actually thought they were going to win. They had huge choreography, uniformity and a good kaupapa. Anyway it was a good day, and I must say Ngāti Pōneke know how to look after their manuhiri, kia ora ra koutou katoa.

1st - Tutemaungaroa.
2nd - Ngāti Pōneke.
3rd - Ngā Taonga mai Tawhiti.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Something to warm your room up

Some quick shots from Paerangatahi

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Interschool vs St. Pat's Silverstream Rugby Results

1st XV vs St Pat's Silverstream 2nd XV -
WON 38 - 0
Under 15's vs St Pat's Silversteam Under 15's -
LOST 30 - 0
According to coach Doug Rehu the boys were outclassed in every manner. The brute strength and physicality of the Silverstream boys put fear into the Hato Pāora pack and there after losing their confidence. Too big, too strong, the score says it all. (Arohamai no pictures this time)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 5

Tuatahi, ka tuku whakamoemiti ki to tātou Matua nui i te rangi mō ngā tini manaakitanga kua whiwhi nei mātou i tēnei wā. Rātou kua rupeke atu ki tua o pae maumahara, moe mai i te moenga roa. Tātou ngā rua koiwi o rātou mā, tēna tātou katoa.

Ki aku taitama, kia kaha ki te whakapakari i tō koutou reo Māori. Ānei ngā pātai mō tēnei wiki.

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

1. Kei te haere a Hemi ki te moana.

2. E oma ana a Hata ki te toa.

3. Kei te hikoi rāua ki te kura.

4. E kaukau ana rātou i te puna wai.

5. Kei te taraiwa ia ki te hui.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

6. I am going to the doctor.

7. You (3) are going to town.

8. We (all of us) are running to the pool.

Whakautua ēnei pātai. (answer the questions the same way the question is asked)

9. Kei te haere a Rangi ki hea? ( pictures)

10. E hikoi ana rāua ki hea? ( beach )

11. Kei te oma rātou ki hea? ( mountain )

12.* E taraiwa ana kōrua ki hea? ( town )

Ētahi atu pātai.

13. What are three different ways of asking 'how are you?' in Te Reo Māori?

14. Give 3 different answers in Te Reo Māori.

15. Write down 3 everyday phrases that you would like to be included in our lessons.

Te Hōtaka mō te Paerangatahi

8.45 am Mihi whakatau in Gym

9.15 am Hato Pāora tau iwa

9.40 am Te Kura o Pouhoia

10.05 am Feilding High School

10.30 am Kuini Irihapeti

10.55 am Palmerston North Boys High School

11.20 am Rangitikei College

11.45 am Nga Tawa

12.10 am Turakina Juniors

12.35 pm Awatapu College

1.00 pm Manawatū College

1.25pm Palmerston North Girls High School

1.40 pm St Peters College

2.05 pm Tararua College

2.25 pm Hato Paora tau tekau

2.40pm Poroporoaki

Friday, June 16, 2006

Visit from Norm Hewitt

Today after lunch break we were fortunate to have former All Black and Dancing with the stars winner Norm Hewitt in to give a motivational speech to the kura. The entire school was seated in the chapel as Norm was welcomed with karanga by Kui Kataraina. Pā Josh Strickland had the honour of welcoming and whakatau of our guest as it was he who arranged the visit.

Norm began his speech in Te Reo Māori. A proud rendition of his pepeha was delivered, "... ko Takitimu te waka, ko Ngāti Kahungunu te iwi". This was to be the foundation of his kōrero. The importance of knowing who you are and where you come from.

He then spoke about making the right choices and in his words 'the 30 second' dilemma we face, especially as young Māori male. In one hand you can be successful and achieve your aspirations, or in the other - end up in prison. He gave an annecdote about a kaumatua who had given him advice. "Which will you choose, tika or teka"?. This was to be another of Norms strong statements. That if we want to be great Māori males we must be living Māori tikanga everyday of our lives. This is the tika that the old man referred to - the truth, the righteous path (Whaia te tika).

Norm then reflected upon his own upbringing to build a link between himself and the students. He was a former student of Te Aute College so he knew what is was like to attend a Māori boarding school. He was frank and stated without shame that he was bullied and then himself become a prolific bully. He recalled his childhood, where the environment was not unlike that of the Hekes in Once were Warriors. He realised that he was becoming like his father, and was continuing the same behaviour. On reflection he said that he learnt that living tikanga was the ability to refrain from physical violence especially in the home, breaking the cycle and being true Māori men by being good fathers and providers.

He remembers watching the rugby on t.v. at the age of 7 and saying to himself that one day he would become an All Black. Norm expressed the importance of having dreams and the power of the mind. In his words "the only thing that was gonna stop me from wearing the black jersey was myself". He took that same attitude to the Dancing with the Stars competition and came through with the desired result. "As soon as we started dancing I knew we were going to win", he stated confidently.

Norm concluded his speech with words of encouragement for the boys saying not to worry about the negativity that is hurled at Māori but to strive to make their dreams come true. He champions their future successes as leaders of this country - All Blacks, Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers or Politicians. Norm Hewitt has definitely weathered the storm and come out triumphant as a positive role model for Māori people and New Zealanders as a whole.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Another lot of photos from NMK

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ngā Pātai mō te wiki 4

Takiri ko te ata, korihi ko te manu. He manu kororī, he manu kororā. Kōrerotia mai nō tuawhakarere. Nau mai e te ao, haere ra e te pō. E hī ake ana te atākura, he tio, he huka, he hauhu, Tihei Mauriora!

Nei ra ngā mihi manahau ki a koutou te tokotoru i toa i ngā whakataetae i te rāmere. Kua eke koutou ki te taumata kōrero o te motu. Ki aku ākonga o te reo māori - kia mataara, kei mahue i a koutou te reo māori.

Anei ngā pātai mō tēnei wiki.

Whakapākehātia ēnei rerenga kōrero.

1. Kei te waiata te tama.

2. Kei te oma ngā kōtiro.

3. E kai ana ngā tāngata.

4. E noho ana te koroua.

5. Kei te peke rāua.

6. E tu ana rātou.

7. Kei te takaro ia.

Whakamāoritia ēnei rerenga kōrero

8. The boy is swimming.

9. The old woman is reading.

10. The men are working.

11. The girls are walking.

12. They (2) are singing.

13. She is sleeping.

14. They (3) are writing.

15. Tuhia kia rima ngā kupu mahi (verbs) - Write down 5 other verbs that are not listed.
Use Ngata Dictionary for help

Video from the past

For those of you viewing this on the school network you will not be able to view this because it is uploaded on Youtube.com. It is a video clip my Year 10 Computer class made last year of the Junior Social. Keep on eye on this site for clips of the house comps, the Paerangatahi and National Kapahaka which will be held from the 17-20 of July at Mystery Creek.

Rugby Results from 10-06-06

Hato Paora 1st XV vs. Feilding Agricultural High School 1st XV - WON 10 - 7

Hato Pāora 2nd XV vs Palmerston North Boys High School 3rd XV - LOST ???

Hato Pāora 3rd XV vs Tararua 2nd XV - WON 15-14

Hato Paora Under 15 A's vs Rangitikei College Under 15's - WON 24 - 12

Hato Pāora Under 15B's vs ???

Hato Pāora Under 14's vs ??

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Friday Night Basketball

All Hato Pāora College Basketball teams WON their games on the 9th of June.

Friday, June 09, 2006

More Photos